Registration and Payment Procedures

Registration Dates:

Enrollment opens during the week of November 11. UVA students will be assigned an appointment time in SIS. Visiting students may enroll beginning on November 14.  The last day to enroll online is January 2. Students do NOT have to have advisor holds lifted prior to January Term enrollment.

Graduate student         Nov. 11
4th/3rd yr student       Nov. 12
2nd/1st yr student       Nov. 13
Visiting student            Nov. 14

Visiting Students

Registration dates and payment are completed through UVA’s Student Information System (SIS). Instructions on SIS registration and payment may be found on the Student Financial Services website.

Students may enroll in only one January Term course.

January Term students pay by the credit hour. Courses are generally three-credit courses. Visiting students will pay an activity fee for January Term as listed here.