Race, Rhetoric and Social Justice CANCELLED

Course Code
ENWR 2559
Sethunya Mokoko

This course examines how the study of race, rhetoric, and social justice can help us make sense of our times and empower us to actively engage in the struggle for diversity, equity, and inclusion on our campus and in communities worldwide. We shall examine how rhetorical contexts, racialized identities, and social activism can lead to or inhibit change in specific times and places. The rhetorics and racialized identities will consist of indigenous peoples, African descent, Latinx, and social activism, including counter-theory, decolonization initiatives, and intersectionality of race, rhetoric, and social justice. We shall investigate recent global social activism movements such as the Black Lives Matter movement, gun reform, censorship, reproductive rights, affirmative action, etc. Students will write and revise a significant research paper.