Introduction to Data Science with R ONLINE

Course Code
STAT 1601
Kristen Roland

This course provides an introduction to the process of collecting, manipulating, exploring, analyzing, and displaying data using the statistical software R. The collection of elementary statistical analysis techniques introduced will be driven by questions derived from the data. The data used in this course will generally follow a common theme. No prior knowledge of statistics, data science, or programming is required. By the end of this course you will be able to: use RStudio to program in R, including using packages, saving R scripts, importing and exporting data, setting working directories, and using R projects; use Base R functions and commands to create, name, and manipulate objects in R, and to wrangle, tidy and plot data; use the R package ggplot2 to create detailed visualizations of data; demonstrate knowledge of the workflow of the R package Tidyverse to wrangle and tidy data; and demonstrate knowledge of the difference between Base R and Tidyverse.